Agriculture continues to be an integral part of the Town of Sheboygan Falls. Farm operations using good management practices are protected from nuisance and liable lawsuits under Wisconsin’s Right to Farm Law (Wis. Stat. section 823.08).

Sounds and Smells

Farm operators often work long hours, especially during planting and harvesting seasons, when noise from their machinery can be heard late into the night. Land preparation can cause dust, especially during windy and dry weather. The smell of organic fertilizer may be evident during field applications.

Slow Moving Vehicles

Moving at top speeds of 15 to 20 miles per hour and sometimes extending into the oncoming lane, farm equipment may lengthen travel times for other traffic on rural roads. Farm equipment will display a “Slow Moving Vehicle” emblem — a red-orange fluorescent triangle surrounded by a reflective red border — on the rear of the implement. This is a warning for other traffic to slow down. Drivers should exercise caution when passing farm equipment and remember that such vehicles typically make extra wide turns.


Fertilizers and herbicides are often used in growing crops. These products are required to be applied by licensed applicators who have been instructed to respect the needs of neighboring landowners. Nevertheless, even the most cautious applicators with the best of intentions can be undermined by sudden and unexpected changes in wind speed and direction.

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